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Thanks for Setting Up Your Upcoming Fundraiser.


We’re so excited to be working with your program. Over the years we’ve been able to help over 68,000 programs just like yours raise the funds they need each and every season.

The Fan Cloth team is dedicated to providing you all the tools you’ll need for a successful fundraising experience. We’ve put together a few quick tips that will help boost your fundraising efforts to the next level!

  • Share your online shop link as often as possible via social media, email, text and even your school’s website! Remember, the more exposure your campaign gets, the more funding you are likely to receive!
  • Encourage your team to share the link to your online store on their social media accounts as often as possible.
  • Check in with your team often about how their fundraising efforts are going and ensure that they have their catalog with them at all times.
  • Send regular campaign update emails to both your athletes and their families.
  • Stay up to date on your campaign with our brand new tool: The Coach's Dashboard. Here you can view important metrics about your campaign in real time! You'll be receiving a link to this along with your store when your catalogs arrive and the store has gone live!

We’re looking forward to supporting you this season!

Your Fan Cloth Support Team
E: service@fancloth.com

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