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It's almost time for your campaign!


Your Fan Cloth catalogs should have arrived already or will be arriving today! Be sure to check with your front office. If you don’t receive them today, please let us know ASAP and we will check their shipping status for you.

We’re excited to work with your program and want to make sure that you have all the tools you’ll need for fundraising success.

Below you’ll find some additional helpful reminders to aid in your fundraising success:

  • Remind your students about the incentives they can earn.
    • Incentives will ship directly to you, separate from the merchandise orders.
  • Keep in mind, the profit margin increases as you sell more items.
  • Share your online shop link as much as possible via social media, email, text and your organization’s website, so that your fans have every opportunity possible to support your campaign.
  • Remind your team that this may be the only opportunity to order and sell items this season.
  • Let your team know the profit goal and how the funds will be used to help the team.

We know you and your supporters will love the merchandise as well as our program. Please reach out if you have any questions.

Your Fan Cloth Support Team

E: service@fancloth.com

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Expect Around 1 Week Before the End of Your Sale

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